Storage Nomination Help
The Storage Nomination page provides the ability
to add or change a storage nomination allowed under Rate 342. Gas can be
nominated for inject into or withdrawal from NIPSCO storage facilities.
Storage nominations are generally submitted for the next gas day
up to half an hour before the start of the gas day. The Transportation nomination
deadline for the NIPSCO Royal Center citygate pins
will also be opened up from 5am to half an hour before the start of the gas day, in
order to facilitate storage nominations.
Detailed Instructions
- Select Storage Nomination from the Nominations & Scheduling group on
the left navigation bar or from the site map.
You are presented with a list of customer sites
for which it is possible to nominate storage.
If a storage nomination has already been entered for the gas day, that information
will also be displayed. The capacity, MDI, MDW, and storage nomination amount
for the whole month is also displayed,
to assist in entering the exchange volumes.
In Total for Month column, injections are displayed with parentheses.
- The initial date displayed is today's date.
The date can be
changed if needed. Press Refresh to make this change.
- Enter or change the nomination volume for any detail item desired.
Zeroing or blanking
out a volume deletes the nomination for that detail.
- The rules for valid entry are:
- Volume is in Decatherms, positive numeric, with no decimal places.
- Injections and withdrawals can be entered for the same day.
- If the volume exceeds the MDI or MDW, or the nomination exceeds the 6 injections
or withdrawals allowed during certain months, then a warning will be displayed.
- If the volume entered causes the customer inventory to go above calculated
capacity or below zero, the entry will not be allowed.
- If a critical day has been declared, injections or withdrawals may not
be allowed. A message will be displayed in this case.
- Press 'Save Nomination'. If there is an error, the page will be
presented again with the error message. If
the nomination was accepted, a confirmation message will be displayed.
- If you wish to
view or make a nomination for another gas date, change the date
at the top of the page and press Refresh.
If it is past the deadline for the date chosen, no entry will be allowed.
However, noms can be made for the future if desired.
- Each customer site is a link to a detailed report of that customer's
storage nominations for the month.
- If you wish to make a modification to
the nomination for a single day only, and not the entire date range,
Press the 'Single Day Entry' button. You will be prompted with a confirmation message.
You can then make your modifications, and press the 'Save Nomination' button. The 'Single Day Entry' button allows you
to change the volumes for a single day, while the remaining days' volumes are left intact.
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